
CanvaListing is an automation tool that transforms real estate listing data from Google Sheets into professionally designed social media posts in a Canva style. This service streamlines the process of creating visually appealing and branded content, allowing real estate agents to showcase properties effectively on social media platforms.

Use Cases

A real estate agent wants to efficiently create and share social media posts for multiple residential listings.

CanvaListing automatically generates stylish social media posts for residential properties based on data entered into Google Sheets. This helps the agent quickly market properties across platforms, saving time while maintaining a consistent and attractive online presence

A commercial real estate firm needs to produce consistent social media content for various commercial properties.

CanvaListing creates branded social media posts for commercial properties using data from Google Sheets. This automation ensures that all posts are professionally designed and aligned with the firm’s branding, enhancing online visibility and client engagement.

A luxury real estate agent aims to present high-end properties with visually stunning social media content.

CanvaListing turns detailed property data into elegant social media posts that highlight the unique features of luxury homes. This automation helps the agent attract high-end buyers by presenting properties in a sophisticated and appealing manner.

How To Gain Access

To book a 20-minute consultation with us, simply click on the "Book a call now" button prominently displayed on our website. This button will redirect you to our online calendar where you can view available time slots. Choose a date and time that fits your schedule for the consultation.

After selecting a time slot, you'll be prompted to enter your contact details, including your name, email address, and any other required information. Once you've filled out the details, click "Confirm" or "Book Appointment". Shortly after booking, you'll receive a confirmation email containing the date, time, and other relevant details of your consultation. Prior to the call, prepare any necessary documents or questions.

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